Research & Publications

Supersingular Isogney

  • Supersingular Isogeny-Based Single Compression Cryptographic Hash Function: Accepted for presentation at the 2023 IEEE Global Communications Conference: Communication & Information Systems Security, this paper introduces an innovative single compression cryptographic hash function. It builds upon the foundation of supersingular isogenies, involving traversal in the supersingular isogeny (2-isogeny) graph and point mapping under isogeny. The proposed function enhances security by concealing the curve’s j-invariant, challenging attackers to identify the curve from its X-coordinate and solve the supersingular isogeny problem. It offers significantly improved preimage resistance, ensures collision-free properties, and efficiently processes bits from multiple message blocks in a single step, reducing computational complexity. Additionally, it organically modifies the message to resist parallelization attempts and provides a comprehensive comparative analysis against CGL and CGL-like hash functions.
  • Implementation Aspects of Supersingular Isogeny-Based Cryptographic Hash Function: Accepted and presented at the International Wireless Internet Conference WiCON 2022, this paper explores the implementation aspects of a supersingular isogeny-based cryptographic hash function. It delves into the CGL hash function, leveraging the traversal of a supersingular isogeny graph (expander graph). The study conducts an in-depth examination of the compact variant of the standard CGL hash function, utilizing various forms of elliptic curves, including Weierstrass, Montgomery, and Legendre. It identifies opportunities to reduce redundancy in the original CGL hash function by harnessing the unique characteristics of different elliptic curve forms. Additionally, the paper presents experimental comparisons of running times and collision counts among the implemented algorithms, offering valuable insights into their practical performance.

Blockchain Consensus

  • Proof of Sincerity: A New Lightweight Consensus Approach for Mobile Blockchains: The research presented in this paper was published at the 2019 IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC). In this paper, we introduce the concept of “Proof of Sincerity” as a novel consensus mechanism tailored for blockchain systems designed to be user-friendly on mobile platforms. Since the inception of Bitcoin, there has been a continuous quest to explore distributed consensus methods that can replace centralized trust entities and ensure the integrity of distributed ledgers. While various methods have been proposed, they often exhibit a trade-off between addressing wealth imbalance issues and maintaining ledger security. In the Proof of Sincerity approach, we tackle this challenge by enabling all participants, even those with limited computing power, to be rewarded through mining. This inclusivity effectively mitigates extreme wealth concentration, which often results from mining dominated by a select few with abundant resources. Simultaneously, we uphold the security of distributed ledgers by ensuring an appropriate balance between the number of miners and the magnitude of their mining efforts, thereby preserving the integrity and trustworthiness of the system.
  • Decentrally-Consented-Server-Based Blockchain System for Universal Types of Data: The research presented in 2020 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC). This paper explores the growing interest in utilizing Blockchain systems as an alternative platform for data storage. With the rapid expansion of data volumes, third-party cloud storage has become increasingly popular. However, the decentralization, immutability, and integrity features of Blockchain systems offer a compelling case for data storage. Leveraging Blockchain not only eliminates dependence on centralized authorities but also significantly enhances data security, privacy, data retention probabilities, and eliminates single points of failure. While most Blockchain consensus mechanisms have historically focused on transactional data, this work presents a pioneering idea—a Blockchain consensus system specifically tailored for universal data types. The proposed consensus mechanism is thoughtfully designed to encourage broad participation, enabling devices and entities to engage with minimal computational validation requirements. To bolster security, a two-step validation process is introduced. Moreover, the mechanism introduces a probabilistic fair rotation of block creators, effectively reducing centralization risks common in many existing Blockchain consensus systems. The paper reinforces its approach through rigorous analysis using game theory and queuing theory, solidifying its role as a significant contribution to Blockchain-based universal data storage.

Hash Authentication

  • Hash Vine: A New Hash Structure for Scalable Generation of Hierarchical Hash Codes: In our paper, we introduce a novel concept known as Hash Vine, a multidimensional and multi-layered hash structure. Hash Vine is designed for the swift generation of hierarchical hash codes suitable for structures of diverse shapes and sizes. These hash codes have broad applications, including product/package authentication within supply chains, identity and access verification in hierarchical organizations, and bolstering the security of multi-layered hierarchical big data. Hash Vine excels in efficiency, producing organic hash codes with simplicity and scalability, ideal as seed codes for extensive hash chains. Our computational results demonstrate the algorithm’s efficacy, revealing that each hash code generated from the same root seed code can establish a lengthy hash chain with minimal collision rates among hash codes under the same root seed code. Algorithmic analysis underscores the minimal computational complexity of our approach.